We are emotional beings, and our emotions play an important role in our life. We are happy if we are favored or things work well in our lives, and we are sad and upset when things are not in our favor. Generally, our emotions are fluctuated and dependent on the outside world. It impacts our mental health straight away. Our environment where we live and spend most of our time and our day-to-day experiences are the main contributors to our emotions and mental health. An emotionally healthy person can perform well in every area of his/her life. As our emotions and mental health are extremely important, let’s understand whether our mental health needs more attention or not.
There are 10 signs that you need to identify to improve your mental health. Score yourself between 0 to 10.
1. You are losing interest in the little things:
Happiness lies everywhere whether in day-to-day activity or any desired outcomes. Every single step is important to climb the mountain. But if we have a conditional mind for happiness, and don’t appreciate every day’s achievements then we need to pay attention to our mental health.
2. You get overwhelmed easier:
If the circumstances are not in your favor or too many subjects you have to deal with at a glance then what are your reactions? Do you find yourself overwhelmed or can you deal with situations easily and effortlessly? People are generally overwhelmed easily in non-favorable situations or unexpected situations. What is your reaction?
3. You don’t feel like socializing that much anymore:
Generally, we love to meet people and would like to share our experience with others despite of gender, age, nationality, religion, post, or special achievements we may have. But if we find no interest in socializing and we feel resigned to the outside world that means we may have certain bitter experiences in the past that we carry in our head and disconnected ourselves from the outside world. If it’s you then it’s dangerous for your mental health.
4. You don’t have a consistent sleep schedule:
Sound sleep and a clear & healthy mind go together. If we are disturbed or we have certain incompletion with others in relationships or fear in our head then we can’t sleep properly. How many long hours you sleep is not important but how much quality of hours you sleep is more important? If you sleep for long hours but feel tired and sleepy then it will damage your mental health for sure.
5. You always feel unproductive:
Everyone is most of the time feels so energetic at the beginning of the day and always excited about the work during the day, but if you don’t feel like it and you don’t get any creative ideas or not inspired to work then it’s an alarm for you to pay more attention to improve your mental health.
6. Your anxiety seems to be increasing:
We are anxious most of the time being human. It’s natural emotion, but when anxiety starts increasing and we feel stressed all the time without any specific reason then you need to pay more attention to your mental health.
7. You feel mentally and emotionally scattered:
Are you confused and not able to take the decision in life? Do you have lots of thoughts in your head and can’t choose the right thoughts? Do you always have negative thoughts in your head which don’t allow you to move forward in your life, then pay more attention to your mental health.
8. You can’t seem to pay attention:
A quiet mind can pay attention, not the disturbed one. If you have stress, fear, anxiety, resignation, incompleteness and many negative thoughts in your head then you can’t pay attention in your life to the specific area to produce the results for sure. Decreasing attention and focus in life is the sign of deteriorating mental health.
9. You might be struggling with your impulse control:
We have different senses to enjoy and experience life. We even desire to enjoy or achieve in life but we need to draw a line for everything. If we can’t do that and our desires convert into a lust then it will destroy us or prevent us from growing in our life. Just like everyone likes 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar in 1 cup of tea but 10 tablespoons of sugar could change the taste of the entire 1 cup of tea.
10. You are struggling to feel grounded:
Lot of people contribute to our life from the beginning. We cannot grow even a single percentage without the support of people. If we can’t appreciate everyone’s contribution and can’t understand the importance of ordinary things in life then you are not grounded.
Check yourself where do you stand so far? Check your score If you have a score between 40 to 100, then you need urgent attention to improve your mental health for sure. You can boom your one on one 15 minutes complimentary appointment with me for the same. I can help you and handhold you for better mental health to produce wonderful results in life.