There is no blackboard in the sky on which God has written your purpose, your mission in life.
Purpose and mission: Your purpose is what you say it is. Your mission is the Mission you give yourself your life will be what you create it has, and no one will stand in judgement of it, now or ever.
You get it filled the blackboard of your life with whatever you want. If you have filled it in with baggage from the past, wipe it clean. Erase everything from the past that does not serve you, and grateful it brought you to this place now, and do a new beginning. You have a clean slate, and you can start over right here, right now. Find your joy and love it!
- Joy, love, freedom, happiness, laughter. That’s what it is. And if you just experience joy in sitting there and meditating for an hour, by goalie, do that. If you experience joy eating a salami sandwich, then do that!
- When I put my cat I am in the state of joy. When I walk in nature I am in state of joy. So I want to constantly put myself in the state, and when I do, then all I have to do is have the intentions of what I want, and what I want manifest.
Do the things that you love and that bring you joy. If you don’t know what brings you joy, asked questions, inverted, what is my job? Inverted, over and as you find it and commit yourself to eat, to Joy, the laugh attractions will pour an avalanche of joyful things, people, circumstances, events and opportunities into your life, all because you are ready joy.
So inner happiness actually is the fuel of success.
Be happy now. Feel good now. That’s the only things you have to do. If that is the only thing you get from reading this book then you have received the greatest part of the secret.
The knowledge of the secret is being given to you and what you do with it is entirely in your hands. Whatever you choose for you is right. Whatever you choose to use it, or whether you choose not to use it, you get to choose. The freedom of choice is yours.
“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”
When you follow your bliss you live in a constant space of joy. You open yourself to the abundance of the universe. You are excited to share your life with those you love, and your excitement, your passion, your bliss become contagious.
Bob Proctor
- Enjoy life, because life is phenomenal! It’s a magnificent trip.
- I see future of unbounded potential, unbounded possibilities. Remember we are using, at most, five percentage of the potential of the human mind. 100 percentage human potential is the result of proper education. So imagine a world where people are using their full mental and emotional potential. We could go anywhere. We could do anything. Achieve anything.
The secret is within you. The more you use the power within you, the more you will draw it to you. You will reach a point where you won’t need a practice anymore, because you will be the power, you will be to perfection, you will be the wisdom, you will be the intelligence, you will be the law, you will be the joy.
You have come to this juncture in your life, merrily because something in your kept saying, inverted, you deserve to be happy. Inverter, over you were born to add something, to add value to this world. To simply be something, bigger and better than you were yesterday.
Every single thing is you are been through, every single moment that you have come through, were to all prepare you for this moment right now. Imagine what you can do from this day forward with what you now know. Now you get that you are the creator of your destiny. So how much more do you get to do? How much more do you get to be? How many more people do you get to bless, simply by your man existence? What will you do with the moment? How will you see is the moment? No one else can dance your dance, no one else can sing your song, no one else can write a story. Who you are, what you do, begins right now!
- I believe that you are great, that there is something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life. Regardless of how young or old you think you might be. The moment you begin to inverter, think properly. “Over this something that is within you, this power within you that’s greater than the world, it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you. It will close you. It will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence. If you let it now that is what I know, for sure.
The earth turns on its orbit for you. The oceans up and flew for you. The birds sing for you. The sun rises and it sets for you. The stars come out for you. Every beautiful thing you see, every wondrous things you experience, is all there, for you. Take a look around. None of it can exist, without you. No matter who you thought you were, now you know the truth of who you really are. You are the master of the universe. You are the heir to the kingdom. You are the perfections of life. And now you know the secret me the joy be with you!
“ The secret is answer to all that has been, all that is, and all that will ever be.”
Secret summaries
- You get to feel the blackboard of your life with whatever you want.
- The only thing you need to do is feel good now.
- The more you use the power within you, the more power you will draw through you.
- The time to embrace your magnificence is now.
- We are in the midst of glorious era. As we let go of limiting thoughts we will experience
- Humanities through magnifications, in every area of creation.
- Do what you love. If you don’t know what brings you joy, ask, “what is my joy? Inverted, over as you commit to your choice, you will attract an avalanche of joyful things because you are radiating joy.
- Now that you have learned the knowledge of the secret, what you do with it is up to you. Whatever you choose is right. The power is all yours.