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Meaning: To invoke means “to call in” or “to call upon.” When used in meditation, invocation is a technique with which you can summon any type of energy or quality to come to you.
You can use the power of invocation to summon any quality or energy that you want or need….
Strength, Wisdom, Serenity, Compassion, Softness, Warmth, Clarity, Intelligence, Creativity, Healing Power…
Simply make a strong, clear statement to yourself that this quality is now coming to you.
Another wonderful way to use the power of invocation is to summon the spirit or essence of a particular person who has qualities that you desire. If you invoke one of the masters, such as Buddha, Christ, or Shiva you are calling forth the universal qualities which that person symbolizes, which also lie within each of us. For example, if you call for Krishna to work in you and through you, you are summoning in a very powerful way your own qualities of love, compassion, forgiveness and healing ability.
If there is any particular master or teacher or hero or angel with whom you resonate, call upon him or her through invocation whenever you feel the need to manifest his or her special qualities within yourself.
There are number of invocations and all the human needs are covered in this course. Read them and Invoke them as and when required.
Key Takeaways
- Cultivate your special skill or talent very easily.
- Grow your business fast and effectively.
- Develop Self-love
- Handle all your relationships with ease
- Heal financially.
- Develop a positive attitude towards work
Who is it for?
- Entrepreneurs
- Professionals
- Housewives
- Students
- Life Coaches
- Healers
- Councilors
- Teachers