Learn the art and science of creating lasting change in self and others
Join Dipaali on this journey of self-discovery and transformation to learn to create powerful change in others … even if you don’t have any coaching experience before.
What’s the secret recipe of creating a powerful & lasting change in yourself and others?
Human experience has a structure. Once you learn the structure you can make anything possible for yourself as well as others.
How often have you felt stuck and frustrated because you struggled to change? All of us have experienced the times in life when no matter what you do or how hard you try, you feel stuck! Have you experienced that in your life?
It’s not only true for self but also with other people around you. How often have you struggled to change others? It could be to create change in your team to bring out the best in them or with your clients to create a deep and lasting change in them so that they live a fulfilling life? Or to just get others to change their negative habits & behaviors!
The struggle is because people try to change at a conscious level whereas if you can think about the times when you made some significant changes in your life you would realize that the most powerful changes happen at a much deeper and unconscious level.
What if I told you, that everything you experience in life … all the emotions, success, failure, fear, pleasure … everything has a internal structure.
And your ability to identify that structure & patterns in yourself and others is a crucial factor that decides the difference between success and failure.
And by understanding this structure with NLP Practitioner Program you can change your client’s unconscious thinking and behaviours to notice a powerful shift in them.. As a leader, imagine the results you will achieve when you are able to bring out the best in your team. Imagine, how would your life be when you are able to bring a powerful unconscious change easily and effortlessly in yourself and others
Imagine the kind of results you will achieve in life when you are fully able to be confident
#build meaningful relationships with others
#Express yourself fully for who you are what you bring to the world.
#Effortlessly change others by being powerfully present with them
And so much more

Enter NLP Practitioner Program with Dipaali
In recent times, NLP has proved to be one of the most effective methodologies in the field of personal growth and development. NLP is a study of human excellence and just like every other skill, excellence also has a structure that can be learned easily.
By learning about NLP, you can learn to take charge of your life and create extraordinary results for yourself and as a coach for others. NLP helps you in all aspects of your life including personal, professional, emotional and spiritual well being. You learn to be aware of your own experience, recognize your deep-rooted patterns and understand others around you in a much better way .. both verbally as well as non-verbally. In doing so, you automatically learn to live a life of purpose and fulfillment and help others do the same.
What You’ll Learn In This Course
This course is divided into several sections that will give you an overall full bodied experience of human behavior, communication & psychology. At the end of the program you would have gone through 18 different new age and updated models of NLP with tons of tools and techniques that will instantly help you make an impact with yourself and others

Section 1: Core foundations of NLP
This section is about learning the core fundamentals of human experience. It’s about understanding the ‘how’ of things. How do we build our thoughts, emotions, language (both verbal and non-verbal) and core patterns that makes us for who we are. Also, how do we change these some of these patterns that are limit & holding us back. You also learn to recognize these patterns in others as they are the key to making a difference others.
In this section you will learn:
- The science behind the human experience. How we build our subjective experience of the the world and how can we change our experience of the world
- Understanding the functions of conscious and unconscious mind to really be an effective coach
- ‘Where’ does change happen that is impactful for self and others
- The difference between working at surface level vs working at much deeper (structural level) to make a powerful changes
- How do we form our beliefs, values, identity & purpose. And where can change happen when you are in a stuck state to move to the an empowering state
- The fundamentals behind modelling and how you can learn to consciously and unconsciously model others to gain their superpowers (behaviors, habits & mindset).
- To calibrate and understand others verbal and non-verbals patterns that allow you to build instant trust with them
Section 2: Asking Powerful Questions
“The quality of questions you ask determines the quality of life you live”
A big part of exploring the deeper structure of others is to have the ability of asking the impactful questions that gets them thinking & taking action. There are several powerful models in this program that will teach you to ask range of questions for specific contexts.
In this section, you will learn:
- How to ask questions that are non-influential and allow others to fully trust you and share their deepest fears & insights with you.
- Recognizing patterns in language that gives you insights into others core beliefs & values
- Asking questions to challenge someone’s limiting beliefs and linguistically helping them adopt new and empowering beliefs
- Develop flexibility in creating change to various levels of human experience.
- Helping someone find their purpose & passion just by asking series of powerful & structured questions
- Allowing others to change their negative habits & behaviors
- Asking questions to change others direction of thinking and eventually, changing their mindset & attitude

Section 3: The secret to being in a resourceful states
Being in charge of your state and how you feel is significantly important to pretty much everything in life. This section is about learning ‘how’ do you get into various different states through the day and how you can easily and effortlessly change your state to get into resourceful and high performance state.
In this section, you will learn:
- The underlying structure of how you create your emotions and what can you do to change the way you feel
- Minute distinctions in your internal experiences that allows you to be fully in charge of your emotions
- How to set yourself up to feel resourceful for any particular situation that may be coming up in life
- Effortlessly build your self-confidence, self-esteem & self worth
- Overcoming limiting fears, habits and behaviors by learning to change your internal experience.
- Several powerful strategies to keep yourself motivated all the time
- Experience living life full of freedom, expression and courage
Section 4: Asking Powerful Questions
“The quality of questions you ask determines the quality of life you live”
A big part of exploring the deeper structure of others is to have the ability of asking the impactful questions that gets them thinking & taking action. There are several powerful models in this program that will teach you to ask range of questions for specific contexts.
In this section, you will learn:
- How to ask questions that are non-influential and allow others to fully trust you and share their deepest fears & insights with you.
- Recognizing patterns in language that gives you insights into others core beliefs & values
- Asking questions to challenge someone’s limiting beliefs and linguistically helping them adopt new and empowering beliefs
- Develop flexibility in creating change to various levels of human experience.
- Helping someone find their purpose & passion just by asking series of powerful & structured questions
- Allowing others to change their negative habits & behaviors
- Asking questions to change others direction of thinking and eventually, changing their mindset & attitude

Practical Application of NLP
NLP helps anywhere there is a human experience involved. Over the last few decades NLP has made a huge impact in the field of personal growth, training, coaching, counseling, therapy, sales, marketing, leadership, HR and so much more. Below are just few of the powerful ways NLP can help in different industries.
- Create a deep & lasting unconscious change in your clients
- Identify your clients deeper challenges to create powerful breakthroughs with them
- Learn cutting edge tools and methodologies for coaching for 21st century challenges
- Increase your revenue by learning more ways to get more clients
- Become effective in your coaching by providing results in shorter time
and tons of other benefits
- Stay aligned and motivated with your vision and install the same in your team
Learn powerful sales & influencing strategies to communicate your ideas effortlessly - Learn to manage your state/emotions in a way that you feel more and more resourceful and in flow all the time
- Learn tools to resolve internal and external conflicts
- Bring the best out of your team and get them to perform even in difficult situations
- Increase your performance and productivity by overcoming all of your internal challenges
- Resolve conflicts with others with ease
- Build meaningful relationships with others
- Communicate your ideas easily with colleagues and managers
- Improve focus & effectiveness to get more done
- Overcome your internal fears, limiting beliefs & conflicts to become the best version of yourself
- Stop procrastination and live a life of fulfillment
- Build meaningful relationships with others
- Achieve massive results in life by learning powerful strategies to enhance focus and performance
- Release stress and anxiety from all the areas of your life