Being a victim
I considered myself as victim unknowingly since my childhood. I was shy, low-esteem, reactive, upset, sometimes a rebel, because I was believing that I am unloved, unsupported, unlucky and unwanted in my family.
I didn’t know what I didn’t know about my life
I didn’t know what I wanted, and I used to complain about my life, my parents and surroundings with others, expecting that I would get all pleasure, love and respect by complaining about unwanted people and situations in my life.
Guess what happened to me!
I attracted more and more worst situation and people in my life as I didn’t know the science that, “What we put attention on, Grows!”
Being upset, unhappy, resigned, reactive and rebel, I had developed beliefs which were limiting me in every area of my life.

Outcome of Limiting Beliefs
Being resigned and unhappy I attracted more toxic relationships and people in my life. The more bad experiences went on, the stronger my beliefs got, and the more my beliefs become stronger, the more I become unhappy in life.
I was paying cost in relationships, health, career. I was always restless, anxious, fearful and angry.
I would love to help people but people didn’t like to talk to me due to my reactive nature.
Though I was well-qualified, experienced and extremely hard working to gain profit in business, I was struggling as it was difficult for me to deal with the people in the business.
I was nearly 80 kg bulky lady, neither fit physically nor mentally and emotionally.
Being unaware,
I went on finding solutions to my misery from astrology, vastu science, worships in temple, and by giving volunteer services to many religious organizations for many years.
I was working on the fruits rather than working on roots, therefor I didn’t get results. I am not opposed to all these modalities, but working on fruits would never heal roots. These outer efforts didn’t address real root-cause in my life.
My limiting beliefs designed my behaviors and character. They used to run my life and I was controlled by them.
In this breakdown time where there was no hope and happiness in life, one good habit of mine could help me transform my life, and that habit is “The habit of being a life-long learner.”
My willingness to learn about life helped me identify my limiting beliefs and root-cause of misery.

Many self-help books, personal development seminars, workshops, YouTube videos and courses have played an important role in my personal breakthrough results.
I bow down to all modalities and resources who have revealed the truth of life and poured wisdom in me.
I understood the secrets of life when I started implementing them in my life
Sharing Wisdom
- I am responsible for all my current situations. I am taking the accountability of my life.
- I love and accept myself.
- I love others unconditionally, as we are unique individuals and are connected with one divine energy, playing different roles on this earth realm in order to evolve.
- I need to stay connected and nurture my inner child. I have started reparenting to my confused, upset and resigned inner child, who is always seeking love and security.
- Forgiveness needs courage, and when you forgive others, you are ready to create wonderful future being in the present moment. I have forgiven everyone whom I needed to forgive. I am free now.
Our body is vehicle to experience all pleasure, and I am now more conscious about my lifestyle and food habits. I have been taking care of my body by practicing yoga and eating satvic food.

Many self-help books, personal development seminars, workshops, YouTube videos and courses have played an important role in my personal breakthrough results.
I bow down to all modalities and resources who have revealed the truth of life and poured wisdom in me.
I understood the secrets of life when I started implementing them in my life
I believe that
Inner purity is more important than outer beauty.

- Inner Child Healing
- Law of Attraction
- Affirmations
- Meditation
- Past Life Regression for Future progression
My Mission
Dedicated to spread the importance of inner purity in the lives of people to live happy, healthy and wealthy life.
My Vision
Contributing in Mental well-being in the lives of people.
Book Complimentary Personal Counselling Session with me
I have experienced lowest phase of my life, learnt from them, and transformed my life.
Expect real life examples and proven techniques from my personal counselling.
Gratitude to all Guru
Only Guru can put Your Scattered Skills into a Frame.