Secrets of Happy Family

7 Timeless Principles to Cultivate Love, Deepen Understanding, and Perpetuate Mutual Respect Among Loved Ones.

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Secrets of Happy Life

Self-help Book

Introduction Of The Book

Are you feeling suffocated by your family? Do you often find yourself trying to ignore your family members, believing that they don’t understand you? Do you find it painful when your loved ones unintentionally hurt you, even though you love them deeply?
If your answer is yes, then you should delve into these 7 timeless principles for a happy family life. This book will equip you with valuable knowledge.

You will learn

  • To overcome Negative effects of disrespectful behaviors among the family
  • 5 positive impacts of unconditional love
  • 7 enemies that you can eradicate by practicing self-love
  • 3 methods to resolve misunderstandings caused by expectations.
  • 8 side effects of being ungrateful in family
  • 5 simple ways to appreciate others
  • 5 secrets of listening to build rapport among family members
  • 9 major benefits of listening
  • 6 ways to offer space in relationships
  • 4 benefits of having space in relationships
  • 5 ways you can spend quality time with your family.
Secrets of Happy Life


About The Book

Family as Cornerstone shaping individuals and contributing to the well-being of a nation. Families provide support, love, protection, and impart valuable principles, attitudes, and abilities. It is important to learn the skills to build loving relationships with family.

Relationships cannot be molded or purchased; they must be accepted as they are, unconditionally. Family members have unique personalities, abilities, and flaws, similar to the different colors of a rainbow.
The absence of respect, love, and understanding within a family can lead to detrimental effects in both one’s personal and professional life.

Being ungrateful can lead to stress, strained relationships, and avoidance among family members, resulting in emotional wounds that may never heal.

Everyone deserves respect and love, regardless of their age, gender, nationality, job title, or level of education. The important thing is to recognize and appreciate the unique qualities that each individual possesses, while also showing them the respect that they deserve.

Everyone wants to feel recognized and valued. We all yearn for love and acceptance, regardless of our differences, and each of us has the ability to reciprocate kindness. What do we offer to our loved ones? Are we merely providing material possessions that can be bought with money, or are we also meeting their emotional needs? Now is the moment to reflect and embrace new ideas that can assist us in restoring trust, love, respect, and harmony in our relationships.

Happy families contribute to the development of confident and content citizens within a nation. Therefore, in order to establish a strong nation, it is imperative to strengthen your own family unit. By implementing seven key principles, you can foster love, enhance understanding, and promote mutual respect among your loved ones, thereby perpetuating these positive qualities for future generations.

About Author

Dipaali Ghanshyam Patel

  • Dipaali is a lifelong learner who is passionate about discovering new ways to transform her own life and assist others in healing theirs. She achieves this through a variety of mediums, including her books, YouTube videos, podcasts, and recorded video courses.

  • One of Dipaali’s main focuses is promoting meditation and a “Satvic Lifestyle.”

  • Books play a significant role in her life, as she considers them her best friends. She also encourages others to read self-help books for personal growth and development.

  • She firmly believes that inner purity holds greater importance than outer beauty.